Smiling baby
Easiest way to teach your baby to sign!
Signing time

Benefits of Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language has three types of benefits:

  1. Practical: less fussing and more fun.
  2. Emotional: creates a closer parental bond.
  3. Cognitive: boosts brain development.

Fewer Tantrums and More Fun

When babies can’t communicate constructively they get frustrated, leading to tantrums and meltdowns. We have all experienced the feeling of helplessness when trying to comfort an inconsolable baby, guessing at what they want.

Baby Sign Language lets babies communicate what they want. They can tell you if they want their teddy bear, when they are hungry, if it is too hot, or if their tummy hurts. Families that sign report that both parents and child experience less frustration.

Spending hours trying to guess why your baby is distraught is a useless way to lose a night of sleep. Baby Sign Language helps both you and your baby address the root cause of tantrums and allows both of you to spend more time enjoying each other’s company.

Ted Having Fun With Baby Sign Language
Pediatrician Approved

Enjoy a Closer Bond

When you and your baby are able to communicate, it forges a closer bond. When you and your baby can understand each other, it increases the feeling of closeness.

Studies report the emotional benefits of signing, including:

  • Parents and children that sign report feeling closer and more tuned in to each other
  • Babies that sign have fewer moments of distress
  • Parents report feeling better about themselves and more confident about parenting
Amelie Playing a Signing Game
Reduces Frustration

A Smarter Baby

Early exposure to signing helps babies develop their language and reasoning skills. While other babies are still yelling to get what they want, signing babies are learning how to communicate with words and simple phrases.

Studies show long-term cognitive benefits, including:

  • +12 IQ point advantage
  • Larger speaking vocabulary and ability to form longer sentences
  • Earlier reading and larger reading vocabulary
  • Better grades in school
Tilly Reading and Signing

Associated with higher IQ

Do You Want Fewer Tantrums, a Closer Bond,
and a Smarter Baby?

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