Apraxia and Baby Sign Language-Useful Resources and Ideas

Yesterday I told you how I came about Uh Oh Bands when we were trying to find solutions to some of our baby sign language friends who have confirmed diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech. For those of you unfamiliar with Apraxia, the condition is defined as delays in speech not associated to deafness, muscle weakness or paralysis; Instead, a child with Apraxia struggles with making the neural connections that instruct the tongue, maxillary bones and other body parts associated with forming speech.

Many parents come to our website on recommendation of their Speech Pathologist in search of free baby sign language resources support the speech therapy plan set forth for their little ones. The resources in our website can help little ones two ways. Firstly sign language is highly recommended as a transitional communication for little ones with Apraxia. Secondly our flashcards can be integrated as part of an augmentative communication system by letting your little one point at different visuals to help him convey a need or want.

Tools and Resources for Apraxia

Teaching Baby Sign Language to Toddlers with Apraxia

If you have come to our website on suggestion of your speech therapy clinic it is likely that they have a plan in place designed to first introduce your little one to words and concepts that will help him meet basic needs and reduce frustration. Reducing frustration is extremely important for a child with Apraxia since they are fully able to understand language and form words in their brain. In fact, many little ones with Apraxia text normal to above average on I.Q. tests. If you are using sign language to help your toddler please remember to always include and encourage verbal communication. This is key in overcoming the delays resulting from this condition. Once your child has mastered his basic signs together with the therapist you can work on selecting words and concepts that make sense for your little one. This can be based on increased complexity of vocal movements or based on the child’s preferences and interests which are likely to keep him motivated and involved.


Using the Flashcards & Visuals for Augmentative Communication Systems

When it comes to your little one the principal goal is to help them express their needs and wants. If at any stage your speech therapist identifies value in ACS you might want to consider purchasing the baby sign language flashcards featuring true to real life images to help your child make proper associations as they point to the word they are wishing to convey. In addition we encourage you to print collections of flashcards based on your therapist recommendation and either create booklets for your toddler to carry around and be able to point or tape the flashcards at toddler-height in strategic places. For example, you could tape food items and fruits on the door of your refrigerator.

Transitional Tools for Apraxia

As your little one overcomes delays in speech he is likely to be ready to explore the world. Yesterday we shared the Uh Oh bands as a smart resource for Apraxia. A little one with Apraxia might have a hard time communicating basic ideas inclusive of mom’s name. Additionally, if he happens to be lost even for a short period of time most people are unlikely to understand sign language. As your little one increases in mobility it is essential for you to put systems in place to protect him.

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