Encouraging language development-Tailoring Your Approach to your Baby’s Gender

There are too many variables to say girls learn this way and boys learn that way, but as long as we are making a few general comparisons of the genders and their language development, there are a few tips I’ve found helpful when teaching girls and boys.


Show and Tell: When teaching a new task, consider showing a boy rather than just telling. Incorporating a three-dimensional factor to the learning experience will optimize a boy’s ability to engage in spatial learning, which tends to be more developed in the mind of little boys


Keep it short: There is no need to sit for long periods of time reviewing flashcards. Keep in mind that girls generally sit still better than boys, so be prepared to take breaks and mix up the ways you foster language development.


Consider Co-ed: Luckily we humans even at an early age strive to meet the highest standards set before us. Learning in mixed environments where girls and boys are present will encourage boys to accelerate their engagement.


We recommend a family storytime. This may be as straight forward as reading to your child, but especially if you have various ages at home this can be very interactive. Encourage an older sibling to write the story down as a younger sibling creates the plot. Then read their story aloud, or act it out as a play. See how many signs you can incorporate into the performance. Signing for babies can be made into a wonderful family affair!


One Response to “Encouraging language development-Tailoring Your Approach to your Baby’s Gender”

  1. Kendra Florez

    Signing for my baby began when she was 8 months old, her first sign was “more”


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